Case Studies

Our customer experiences reveal how we eliminate overpayments and find missing participants and beneficiaries.

Case Study: PBI Research Services Helps Corporate Pension Fund Stop Overpayments

Challenge: XYZ company had been manually managing their employee pension plan with over 790 participants. The process was a resource-heavy task to stay up -to-date on deceased participants and required mailings. In addition, with internal audits coming up, a new benefits team was concerned about not meeting the Department of Labor (DOL) guidelines for missing participants and making overpayments. Solution: In February 2022, the company reached out to PBI Research Services about proactive pension [...]

Case Study: PBI Research Services Saves Michigan Public Employee Union Pension Thousands

The Michigan Education Association (MEA) is a self-governing education association representing about 120,000 teachers, education support professionals and higher-education employees throughout the state. The association has grown from their inception in 1852. Today, they offer public school employees healthcare through MESSA, as well as retirement and insurance programs through Michigan Education Association Financial Services (MEA Financial Services). Challenge Over the past few years, the MEA pension system, the Staff Retirement Plan (SRP), has struggled [...]

2023-06-15T10:28:39-05:00February 21st, 2023|Case Studies, Death Audit & CertiDeath, Pensions|