Because data is fundamental to every part of plan administration, ensuring that valid data is reported is one of the most important things a plan sponsor can do to live up to its fiduciary duty. As complicated as this sounds, ensuring good data on the front end creates far fewer headaches than having to correct data-created problems on the back end.

Did you know?

ASPPA recently polled its members for the top 10 topics they would like covered by Plan Consultant magazine.
Guess what was Number ONE?


  • RMD 70 ½
  • QDRO
  • Uncashed Checks
  • Terminating Plan
  • Bulk Lump Sums
  • Returned 1099s
  • Identify Deaths

Supporting services we provide

Volatile Markets, Pension Funding Crisis, Mortality Improvements, Increased PBGC premiums – they all lead to challenges for pension plans. Turn over the administrative challenges of participant data to the experts at PBI.